Innovative German-made X-Ray Quality Assurance Solutions, X-Ray Quality Control and Radiation Protection Products

PAKT - Dosimetry Project for a Universal Assessment of Patient Dose

Based on our long-standing expertise and work in the field of dosimetry, QUART has pledged for a worldwide use of the "incident air kerma" as a unifying method for dosimetry in diagnostic x-ray radiology.

In the case of CT and CBCT it was necessary to design specific algorithms for this kind of application.

We have thus worked since 2015 together with Helmholtz Zentrum München, Klinikum Rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München, Strahlentherapie Süd (Kempten, Germany), and Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid, Spain). 

The results of the cooperation have been published here:

H. de las Heras Gala, F. Schöfer, H. Schöfer, R.M. Sánchez Casanueva, C. Zervides, K. Mair, Q. Al-Zoubi, B. Renger, T. de las Heras Gala, H. Schlattl: A patient-centric approach to quality control and dosimetry in CT including CBCTPhysica Medica 47 (2018) 92–102.


The formulas have been implemented for ease of use on a webpage. Every institution is invited to use the website for research and application free of charge in the introduction phase: